Friday 11 November 2011

Molten chocolate lava cake........... in just 5 minutes.

pernah tak tengah-tengah malam kau teringin nak makan benda-benda 'lavish' macam chocolate cake.
tapi mana pulak nak carikan.
nak buat sendiri memang alamatnya lepas azan subuh baru boleh makan.

tapi sekarang kau boleh buat chocolate cake dalam 5 minit je.
Betul! tak tipu.
2 minit for preparation, 3 minit for cooking.
And it is not a shitty poop-like chocolate cake tau! (although the look may resemble a combination of diarrhea and malena).
simple ingredients, simple method but unbelievable outcome.
ini kek untuk orang berselera besar tapi pemalas.


4 sudu makan tepung gandum naik sendiri
3 sudu makan gula
3 sudu makan susu
3 sudu makan minyak masak/melted butter
2 sudu makan serbuk koko
1 biji telur
Chocolate chip secukup rasa (aku xde chocolate chip, pakai chocolate bar dipatah-patahkan)
sedikit essen vanila


  1. Kau godak semua bahan di atas dalam coffee mug. 
  2. pastikan tepung kat dasar cawan tu kau godak sekali. kalau tak makan tepung la kau jawabnya.
  3. pastikan mixture tu terisi 3/4 cawan je. Kalau penuh nanti melimpah pulak time 'baking'.
  4. masukkan chocolate chip/chocolate bar yang dipatah-patahkan.
  5. time for baking!! masukkn dalam microwave. Ya MICROWAVE. set 3 minit pada 1000W (paling highest)
  6. Voila your cake is ready!! serve warm and topped with some ice cream if you like.
Rupa sedikit membantutkan selera

Much better

Money shot! the molten lava is flowing...


  1. menariknye! bole try nnt
    tp oven je yg ade.xde microwave pun

  2. i suppose you are a great cook dila. this recipe is not for you hehe. just for orang bujang/pemalas like me. but hey no harm trying kan. bila dh try let me know the result will ya.


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